[links] [will] [go] [here] [someday]

Everything old is new again

March 26, 2024

There was a post on lobsters a few days ago asking for folks to share creative pages that were simple with no tracking or ads. And folks were happy to share links to light-weight and simple (and not so simple) personal pages. This is something I've been interested in for some time, but never really leaned into for a number of reasons. Chief of which are self-doubt and laziness. But I'm too old now to worry about the former and old enough to know that I don't really have enough time left for the latter. That said, there is a bit of a resurgence in personal website development, so no better time than now to get into this.

Here are some links that I found interesting or inspiring

I'll likely add more to this or create additional posts as more things catch my eye.

[link to this]

It's alive!

March 25, 2024

And we're back. Let's see how long this lasts, or doesn't. Hold your breath, you can probably hold it longer than this site will actually be online, if history proves.

[link to this]
All content is © 2024 Josh Miller unless otherwise noted.